Real Talk About Clockworking in Healthcare with Dave Jereb

About this episode:

There are a lot of really fun reasons to clockwork, like vacations, retirement, and parental leave. And those are the types of reasons that you can anticipate. You plan for them, practice your systems, and make sure all of your ducks are in a row… for a lot of people it can actually be very neat and tidy. And then, on the other side, there are really serious, unplanned, and scary reasons too. In this week's episode, Dave Jereb, owner of Move About Therapy, gets candid about the realities of Clockworking in his industry, and how fortunate he was to have already started the process when crisis struck his family. Not only is Dave an incredible leader inside his own business, but he shows up and supports our Clockwork community with such enthusiasm and commitment, and it’s for this reason that he was recently awarded as our Clockie of the month!

Be sure to pay extra close attention to this episode, because Dave is full of incredible insights you can apply to your business as you implement the clockwork systems.

And if you want to learn more, you can check us out at


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