Advocating for Your Own Growth

About this episode:

Today we wanted to record an episode specifically for all the team members, so if you have a team be sure to share this one with them. As you know, we are obsessed with continuous improvement here at Run Like Clockwork, and that doesn’t just refer to our systems… we are also focused on improving ourselves!We are responsible for our own growth… which for a lot of team members can oscillate between feeling both super exciting and super daunting.

In this episode, you’ll discover:

Julie, Gabbi, and Emily share more about our favorite growth tips and strategies and provide some insight into the good, bad, and super uncomfortable parts of our own personal journeys.

We also cover the S Curve, which we learned about in Whitney Johnson's book Build an A-Team, which is one of our favorite concepts to teach to our clients. If you’re struggling with your own growth, or have team members who you know aren’t tapping into their own strength, this episode can help provide a clearer path to finding it!


Reframing “Mistakes”


Reflecting on One Year of Clockworking with Julia O'Grady