It is Safe for You to Slow Down
What do you think of when you hear the statement: “It is safe for me to slow down”?
In theory I agree, but it’s really hard for me.
It makes me panic inside.
Fixing business bottlenecks feels too urgent to slow down
In this episode of the Run Like Clockwork podcast, Adrienne is talking on the Morning Mindset call inside our Clockwork Accelerator program about the mindset shift needed and why it’s necessary to embrace the statement: It is safe for me to slow down.
Topics Adrienne discuss on this episode:
If your intent for Clockworking is to create space, slow down to create it now
Examples of why there’s no reward for speed in Clockwork
How to shift your mindset from urgency to efficiency
When it comes to clockworking your business, you do not want to sacrifice efficiency or accuracy for the sake of speed. In a recent episode [mentioned in today’s episode], we interviewed Amanda Bond about her experience with slowing down to solve a bottleneck instead of maintaining a speed that only produced band aid fixes. She’s an incredible example of embodying the statement that it is safe to slow down. Listen here.
Ready to work with us to clockwork your business? Apply now for our FREE Vip Virtual Conference to learn more about how you can take a 4-week vacation in the next 12 months!
Over our three sessions together, you’ll learn:
How to eliminate the 5 biggest success-crushing beliefs you currently have about your role in your business
How YOU can take a 4-week vacation in the next 12 months no matter what niche or industry you’re in
Get the inside scoop from REAL Clockwork Accelerator students who have already done the work to Clockwork their business and are living the results during our Student Q+A
Apply now for our FREE VIP Virtual Event on Friday, March 19th!